Monday, December 03, 2007

10 things i like

1. today was the first snow we've had of the season and the husband shovels the driveway

2. the silly border collie that lives on our street was trying to herd the shovel his owner was using to clear the sidewalk when i drove by.

3. this post about ugly oatmeal - i too enjoy my own brand of ugly oatmeal that i eat at my desk every morning while reading the important and unimportant daily news.

4. the street are filled with the soft glow of christmas lights which makes my drive home and my walks with the pooches a little nicer.

5. my drive to work was uneventful, despite it being the first snow of the season.

6. school was delayed two hours which meant that the angry dad at the end of the road was not waiting at the bus stop blocking my view of oncoming traffic.

7. tucker the ninja dog steals briggs giant bed every day, and briggs is just fine sleeping on tucker's small bed even when it's under a table.

8. i started to refinish a chair i've had in the garage for over a year.

9. yesterday i baked banana muffins, which meant we didn't waste the brown bananas

10. that we finally bought a new battery charger for the camera

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