Thursday, November 30, 2006


baby you can drive my car….ever thought about how much time you spend driving? to work…from work…out to pick up coca-cola….quick trip to the Traders…visit mom on weekend…pick up sister from college….into boston to meet a friend…out at lunch to run errands….go to bank…out to yoga class….run to starbucks for Americano…buy water to counteract caffeine….trip to the dump….drive to maine for get-a-way weekend…out to dinner on saturday….forgot red sauce for dinner on monday…fill up gas tank….drive for fun on sunday afternoon…drive…drive….drive…..

so much time spent in the car. so much time to do and accomplish many things….what, you never thought about how much you can accomplish while behind the wheel or in the passenger seat? never? driving is a great time to think quietly, be mindful, get your road rage on, sing really loudly, talk to you dog, sample new music on the ipod, look out the window, talk on your cell phone, eat snacks, wave to passerbys and large puppets, pay tolls, count out of state license plates. there are a lot of things. what never contemplated these gems? allow me to start the ball rolling.......a blog about driving….daily.

the car is where i get my best thinking on as i am usually alone and usually inspired by something infuriating like talk radio. after much thought, i am devoting this space to the things that happen behind the wheel, out in front of it, and the thoughts that arise from driving place to place to place. i encourage you to share your comments and photos about your daily drive as well.......get your drive on.

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